Eye Candle | Yuan Teng & Kevin Teng

台灣香味品牌Eye Candle 是由兄弟凱元及凱文共同創立, 他們是我認識之中最懂得平衡工作與生活的創業者。
我們經常在旅途上相遇, 會一起尋找美食及逛各類商店。開關後首次去台灣拜訪他們, 也是大家第一次以父母的身份帶著孩子見面。這次的餐桌上雖然都因為小孩而一團亂, 但彼此又再更理解大家不同階段的生活。
Eye Candle成立10年, 觀察著他們品牌的創意演變, 還有踏入不同的人生階段, 初創、結婚、生子。凱元及凱文總是將生活置於首位, 在創業過程中每個階段都能很好地兼顧, 不會忽略了生命中重要里程碑。
Introducing Eye Candle, a renowned fragrance brand from Taiwan, co-founded by brothers Yuan and Kevin. They excel at achieving a harmonious work-life balance.
During our travels, we explore together, savoring delicious food and discovering unique shops. We recently reunited in Taiwan after four years, now as parents, with our children in tow.
Amidst the joyful chaos at the dinner table, we deepen our understanding of each other's life stages.
Eye Candle has thrived for a decade, witnessing their brand's evolution and their journey through entrepreneurship, marriage, and parenthood. Yuan and Kevin prioritize their lives while excelling in each stage, never neglecting important milestones.
@yuanofteng1109 @kevin_teng_00
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